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Inicio - Categorias - Carregadores de Bateria
Carregador e balanceador C6 Compact Xceed - Xceed
Código do produto: 3493 Referência do produto: 0Carregador e balanceador C6 Compact Xceed
O Xceed C6 Compact trabalha com as seguintes tipos de bateria: LiPo, LiFe, PB, NiCd e NiMH.
Caracteristicas especiais
- Software optimizado muito facil de ajustar e programar.
- Large internal heat sink and maximum errforts for safety control
- Internal independent lithium battery balancer
- Balancing individual cell battery discharging
- Adaptable for various type of lithium battery
- Fast and storage mode of lithium battery
- Automatic charging current limit
- Capacity limiter
- Temperature threshold
- Processing time limit
- Input power monitoring
- Date store/load
- Cyclic charging/discharging
- Voltagem de entrada: DC 11V- 18V
- Corrente de carga: 0.1 - 5A, 0.1A step
- Corrente de descarga: 0.1 - 1A, 0.1A step
- Max charging power: 50W
- Max discharging power: 5W
- Nicd/NiMH cells: 1 - 15 cell
- LiIon/LiPO/LiFe Cell: 1 - 6 cell
- Lead-acid (Pb): 2 - 20V
- Sensor temperatura & USB ativado
- Balance: 2 - 6 cells
- Caixa: alu
- Display: 16 x 2 caracter LCD
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