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Inicio - Categorias - Carregadores de Bateria

Fonte 16A 14V P/carregador de baterias A20 100-240v - HK

Código do produto: 2057 Referência do produto: 0

Por apenas: R$447,51 à Vista!


Fonte 16A 14V P/carregador de baterias

An excellent solution for power hungry chargers.
The A20 can supply a constant 16A at 14v, making it perfect for chargers using alot of power to charge big packs fast, or you can hook up 2 or 3 smaller chargers to charge up to 5 or 6S packs each.
Even if you dont charge at high rates, having a solid power supply like this will ensure the charger is supplied with a good constant current, helping it to balance cells and operate better.

The charger will suit 100-240v 50-60Hz home power points. The plug uses a common kettle type, so it will be easy to source a local power cord, or an adapter for the USA style plug.

Input: 100~240v
Output: 14v @ 16A constant
Internal fan thermostat set to 60Deg Celcius. Fan will not run unless power supply internal temp reaches 60DegC.

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