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Apenas: R$129,20
Inicio - Peças 1 - HPI - Peças HPI
HPI 85036 Nitro 3 Gearbox Set - HPI
Código do produto: 1710 Referência do produto: 0
0 avaliação
Por: R$129,20
ou à vista no pix ou boleto por: R$116,28
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HPI85036 Nitro 3 Gearbox Set
HPI stock replacement gearbox set for the Nitro RS4 3 RTR.
These are located in the front, center, and rear of the vehicle.
HPI stock replacement gearbox set is constructed of black nylon.
One left front gearbox half
One right front gearbox half
One left rear gearbox half
One right rear gearbox half
One top center gearbox half
One bottom center gearbox half
Three small nylon parts
These parts are specific to the HPI Nitro RS4 3 RTR.
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