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Apenas: R$209,69
Inicio - Setores - Helimodelismo - Peças diversas
KBDD-4259 TREX 700 Extreme Edition Paddles - Midnight Black - 4mm Flybar - KBDD
Código do produto: 0 Referência do produto: 0Por: R$209,69
ou à vista no pix ou boleto por: R$188,72

TREX 700
Extreme Ed. Paddles
- 4mm Flybar
Product Code
KBDD has done something extraordinary. With most paddles you had to decide if you wanted stability or quickness. We designed KBDD paddles to be very stable. In fast forward Flight the paddles remain true and level until YOU move the sticks. Amazingly we were also able to design additional quickness for the most aggressive 3D maneuvers. The added stability actually helps the 3D maneuvers as the helicopter is doing only what you want it to. No more fighting the helicopter while learning your next difficult 3D maneuver. All paddles sets are weight matched. As all our products, they are available in all our colors to help the visibility of the helicopter.
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