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Inicio - Categorias - Servos
Micro Servo 14g 2.2kg 0.11sec MG-14 Hextronik Metal Gear (20) - HEXTRONIK
Código do produto: 3327 Referência do produto: 0Por apenas: R$126,67 à Vista!

Micro Servo 14g/2.2kg/0.11sec MG-14 Hextronik

Hextronik MG-14 Metal gear servo
Weight: 14g (14.5gr to 15gr)
Dimension: 23*12.2*29mm
Stall torque: 2.2kg/cm(4.8V ) 2.5kg/cm(6V)
Operating speed: 0.11sec/60degree(4.8v), 0.10sec/60degree(6v) Not True, 0.13sec/60degree(4.8v), 0.11sec/60degree(6v)
Operating voltage: 4.8-6.0V
Dead band width: 10us
Works extremely well on the swashplates as cyclic of HK450(with little adjustments), CopterX, and t-rex 450SE (on PRO it will not fit well).
don’t use those on a gyro, there is some freeness in the metal gears, not much, but will make the gyro work Little more.
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