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Apenas: R$72,22
Inicio - Categorias - Servos
Micro Servo 9g 1.6kg 0.12sec Stanard Analog Servo SG90 (14) - RCX
Código do produto: 4839 Referência do produto: 0Por: R$72,22
ou à vista no pix ou boleto por: R$65,00

Micro Servo 9g/1.6kg/0.12sec Stanard Analog Servo SG90
Weight: 9g
Dimensions: 22.6 mmx 21.8mm x 11.4mm
Operating Speed (4.8V no load) : 0.12sec / 60 degrees
Stall Torque (4.8V): 1.6 kg / cm
Temperature Range: -30 to +60 Degree C
Dead Band Width: 4usec
Operation Voltage: 3.5 - 6Volts
* It is not suitable to use on R/C Helicopters for Hard 3D Flying. However, normal 3D is OK.
* It is a great servo for Air Plane / 250 & 450 Helicopter / Boat / Car when you do not need super fast response rate and high torque.
Please do not compare the performance this servo to HITEC's HS-65 or Futaba's S3154 since the price is 5-10 times different.
This Servo is also able to replace the following parts:
- Excellent low price for 450 Class Helicopters
- Walkera 4# Servo: HM-004-Z-26
- Walkera 36# Servo: HM-036-Z-41
- Walkera 37# Servo: HM-037-Z-38
- Walkera 68#B Servo:HM-68-B-Z-37
- ESky Servo: EK2-0500
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