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Inicio - Categorias - Plastimodelismo

TES 520 P-47D Thunderbolt ESCALA 1/48 - TesTors

Código do produto: 8957 Referência do produto: 0

Por apenas: R$203,07 à Vista!


Known as the "Jug", the Thunderbolt proved herself to be one of the U.S. Air Corps most reliable and rugged WWII fighter planes. The P-47 was uniquely suited to fly ground support and interdiction missions against ground targets. When called upon to fly cover for American bombers, the "Jug" proved outstanding there as well. The turbocharged engine and 13 foot diameter propeller, along with long-range fuel tanks enabled the P-47 to easily fly into Germany from bases in England. The Thunderbolt...feared by the enemy and respected by her pilots; one of WWII's finest fighters. Plastic unassembled model with gluing and painting required. Intermediate to advanced skill level.

1:48 scale
Length: 10 3/16" (25.9 cm)
40-75 pieces
Recommended for Experienced Modelers Ages 10 and Over
Paint and Glue Not Included


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