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Apenas: R$104,50
Inicio - Categorias - Velas
Vela OS 6 (A3) - O.S. Engines
Código do produto: 1417 Referência do produto: 0Por: R$104,50
ou à vista no pix ou boleto por: R$94,05
The O.S. #A3 glow plug is similiar to the #8 plug only more economical. This
is a medium heat range two-stroke glow plug for all engine applications.
FEATURES: Medium heat range plug for most model engine applications.
Works well in any engine from .10-size to a BGX.
Thick, solid platinum coil resists meltdowns and premature failure.
Coil holds sufficient heat for a smooth idle.
Finest glow plug in the economy price range.
Para aviões R/C
Amaciamento, motores menores de .32pol. cub.
Motores O.S: 25SF, 25FX, 10-40LA
Para helicópteros R/C
Amaciamento, motores menores de .32pol. cub. (para pilotos iniciantes)
Motor O.S: 32SX-H
Para carros R/C
Amaciamento e pilotos iniciantes correndo com mistura rica
Motores O.S: 12/15CV e 15LD
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