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Apenas: R$329,38
Inicio - Peças 1 - Walkera - Peças Walkera
Walkera UP02 Adapter Update Tool Walkera UP02 Upgrade Tool USB (133054) - Walkera
Código do produto: 0 Referência do produto: 0Por: R$329,38
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Walkera UP02 Adapter Update Tool + Walkera UP02 Upgrade Tool USB
Walkera UP02 Adapter Update Tool
This adaptor used for connecting with UP02 and receivers with three different jacks to upgrade.
1. 4 cores jack: Plug the jack with black, blue, yellow and red four different colors’ wire to the receiver’s 4 cores jack which is 1.25 mm space between the 4 cores.
2. 3 cores jack: Plug the jack with black, blue and red three different colors’ wire to the receiver’s 3 cores jack which is 1.25 mm space between the 3 cores.
3. Single wire: Plug the jack with yellow, blue and black single wire to the standard receivers for upgrade.
Walkera UP02 Upgrade Tool USB
This upgrade tool used for DEVO-7 radio and some receivers can be upgrade.
1. Install the UP02 software, download the program of the helicopters.
2. Please refer to the Illustration and connect the UP02 with PC.
Illustration for upgrade the DEVO-7 radio refer to Illustration (1).
Illustration for upgrade the receiver refer to Illustration (2), please refer to the particular model’s user manual for different model.
3. Upgrade.
Package Included:
1 x UP02 Adapter (19.5cm-cable)
1 x Walkera UP02 USB (99cm-cable)
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